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FAQ: Keyboard and game controllers

DINO EGGS: REBIRTH supports these methods of input:

  • Keyboard

  • XBox Controllers

  • Many other game controllers that are on this list

  • Any exotic game controller not listed above by using either General Arcade's GamePad Tool -- or JoyToKey. More information on these options below.

If you have a game controller other than XBox, you can make it work. First, see if the game recognizes it as it is:

With the controller properly installed and plugged into your computer, launch DINO EGGS: REBIRTH. While viewing the title page of the game, try to use your controller to move around in the menu.

  • If it works, your controller is compatible, and you're all set.

  • If it doesn't, you can get it to work using either General Arcade's GamePad Tool -- or by using JoyToKey.

  • Using General Arcade's GamePad Tool. Download and run this tool for your controller. The tool is easy to use, and will guide you to add a line to the gamecontrollerdb.txt file that DINO EGGS: REBIRTH needs to find in its game folder. Currently this tool is available for Windows and Mac, with a Linux version on the way.

  • Using JoyToKey. install JoyToKey. This is a tool that "listens" to your game controller, and then translates everything it does into keyboard strokes so that DINO EGGS: REBIRTH can respond to it. We've created this configuration file for JoyToKey so that you don't have to manually set it up for DINO EGGS: REBIRTH.


Keyboard and Game controllers in Multi-player


In DE:R competitive multiplayer mode, you can "split" a keyboard so that two players can use it to control two different Tim(s) or Tam(s) at the same time. After pressing ENTER to join the game, press "X" to split the keyboard. (The exact keys used for each Player number (Player 1, Player 2, etc.) are defined within OPTIONS | CONTROLS.)

In DE:R multiplayer mode, you can "split" each XBox game controller that you have so that two players can use it to control two different Tims(s) or Tam(s) at the same time. After pressing START to join the game, press the "X" button to split the game controller. (The exact joysticks and buttons used for each Player number (Player 1, Player 2, etc.) are defined within OPTIONS | CONTROLS.)

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