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FAQ: How to update the game

Here's how to keep your game options and game progress intact while updating DINO EGGS: REBIRTH.

(This advice is for folks who bought the game on Sellfy or Humble. On Steam, game updates -- and saving of progress files -- is automatic.)

On Windows and Linux:

  • Using the installer, please choose same the folder that you used for your previous installation. The update will *not* overwrite your game options and game progress files. You're all set.

  • If for any reason you choose to install the update in a different location, then you will need to manually copy the following files from the previous installation folder to the new installation folder:

  • "Progress.dls"

  • "Config.dls"

  • "Leaderboard.dls" (This file will exist only if you have entered a name for the online leaderboard feature.)

These files are in the same folder as the file "DinoEggsRebirth.exe"

On Mac OS:

  • The game stores its progress and configuration files inside the application folder itself. You will first need to extract them from the current installation. To do so, right-click on the current "DinoEggsRebirth" application package, select "Show Package Contents" and navigate to "Contents" then to "MacOS".

  • Manually copy the following files from this folder to a temporary location like your Desktop:

  • "Progress.dls"

  • "Config.dls"

  • "Leaderboard.dls" (This file will exist only if you have entered a name for the online leaderboard feature.)

  • You can now replace the current game with the updated version that is inside the new DMG file that you have just downloaded. Then move your copies of the files listed above back into the game's application folder using the same procedure ("Show Package Contents"...).

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